PAX S80 - How to setup Time/Date?
How to setup Time/Date?

From the "Input Amount - Credit/Sale" screen, press the blue Menu button to access the Main Menu.

On the Main Menu screen, use the down arrow to highlight System Settings. Once highlighted, press the green Enter button. (Password: 990712)

This brings you to the System Options screen. Use the down arrow to highlight Date/Time Setup. Once highlighted, press Enter.

The screen will list the current date and time set in the terminal.

The line below the current date displays MM/DD/YYYY. This is where you enter the new date (i.e.; 03/12/2017).

The line below the current time displays HH:MM:SS. This is where you enter the new time (i.e.; 14:50:00). After entering the date and time, press Enter to save and complete the updates.
For more information, contact us at:
Phone: (470) 485-1388

From the "Input Amount - Credit/Sale" screen, press the blue Menu button to access the Main Menu.

On the Main Menu screen, use the down arrow to highlight System Settings. Once highlighted, press the green Enter button. (Password: 990712)

This brings you to the System Options screen. Use the down arrow to highlight Date/Time Setup. Once highlighted, press Enter.

The screen will list the current date and time set in the terminal.

The line below the current date displays MM/DD/YYYY. This is where you enter the new date (i.e.; 03/12/2017).

The line below the current time displays HH:MM:SS. This is where you enter the new time (i.e.; 14:50:00). After entering the date and time, press Enter to save and complete the updates.
For more information, contact us at:
Phone: (470) 485-1388
Updated on: 23/08/2023
Thank you!